An Empirical Lab Study Investigating If Higher Levels of Immersion Increase the Willingness to Donate

Technological innovations have a growing relevance for charitable donations, as new technologies shape the way we perceive and approach digital media. In a between-subjects study with sixty-one volunteers, we investigated whether a higher degree of immersion for the potential donor can yield more donations for non-governmental organizations. Therefore, we compared the donations given after experiencing a video-based, an augmented-reality-based, or a virtual-reality-based scenery with a virtual agent, representing a war victimized Syrian boy talking about his losses. Our initial results indicate that the immersion has no impact. However, the donor’s perceived innovativeness of the used technology might be an influencing factor.
author = {Andrea B\"{o}nsch and Alexander Kies and Moritz Jörling and Stefanie Paluch and Torsten W. Kuhlen},
title = {{An Empirical Lab Study Investigating If Higher Levels of Immersion Increase the Willingness to Donatee}},
booktitle = {IEEE Virtual Humans and Crowds for Immersive Environments (VHCIE)},
year = {2019}