
Minimalism or Creative Chaos? On the Arrangement and Analysis of Numerous Scatterplots in Immersi-ve 3D Knowledge Spaces

Melanie Derksen, Torsten Wolfgang Kuhlen, Mario Botsch, Tim Weissker
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2025

Working with scatterplots is a classic everyday task for data analysts, which gets increasingly complex the more plots are required to form an understanding of the underlying data. To help analysts retrieve relevant plots more quickly when they are needed, immersive virtual environments (iVEs) provide them with the option to freely arrange scatterplots in the 3D space around them. In this paper, we investigate the impact of different virtual environments on the users' ability to quickly find and retrieve individual scatterplots from a larger collection. We tested three different scenarios, all having in common that users were able to position the plots freely in space according to their own needs, but each providing them with varying numbers of landmarks serving as visual cues - an Emptycene as a baseline condition, a single landmark condition with one prominent visual cue being a Desk, and a multiple landmarks condition being a virtual Office. Results from a between-subject investigation with 45 participants indicate that the time and effort users invest in arranging their plots within an iVE had a greater impact on memory performance than the design of the iVE itself. We report on the individual arrangement strategies that participants used to solve the task effectively and underline the importance of an active arrangement phase for supporting the spatial memorization of scatterplots in iVEs.

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author={M. {Derksen} and T. {Kuhlen} and M. {Botsch} and T. {Weissker}},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
title={Minimalism or Creative Chaos? On the Arrangement and Analysis of Numerous Scatterplots in Immersive 3D Knowledge Spaces},

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