

ViSTA Virtual Reality Toolkit

ViSTA is a Virtual Reality toolkit that allows the integration of VR technology and interactive 3D visualization into technical and scientific applications. It enables researchers from multiple disciplines to interactively analyze and explore their data in virtual environments.

ViSTA consists of multiple components:

  • The VistaCoreLibs provide basic and commonly used functionality for Virtual Reality applications, such as
    • Display Management
    • Support for a variety of different VR input and output devices, such as tracking cameras, gamepads or haptic devices
    • Input device abstraction using a dataflow network
    • Coupling to the OpenSG scenegraph library
    • Cluster mode for the distributed and synchronized execution of ViSTA applications for multi-display environments (such as powerwalls or CAVE systems)
    • Utilities for system-independent use of threads, connections, files, timers, etc.
  • The VistaFlowLib provides methods for scientific visualization
    • Data and time management
    • Interaction methods
    • Rendering methods
    • Interactive particle tracing
  • The VistaAddonLibs provided specialized additional functionality, such as
    • Collision and physics simulation
    • Methods for medical simulation (e.g., haptics, soft body simulation)
    • Audio interfaces


The ViSTA core libraries are open source, licensed under the LGPL. You can find them on sourceforge.


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Simulation and Software Technology

Disclaimer Home Visual Computing institute RWTH Aachen University