
Poster: Formal Evaluation Strategies for Feature Tracking

Andrea Schnorr, Sebastian Freitag, Dirk Norbert Helmrich, Torsten Wolfgang Kuhlen, Bernd Hentschel
The 6th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV 2016)

We present an approach for tracking space-filling features based on a two-step algorithm utilizing two graph optimization techniques. First, one-to-one assignments between successive time steps are found by a matching on a weighted, bi-partite graph. Second, events are detected by computing an independent set on potential event explanations. The main objective of this work is investigating options for formal evaluation of complex feature tracking algorithms in the absence of ground truth data.

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@INPROCEEDINGS{Schnorr2016, author = {Andrea Schnorr and Sebastian Freitag and Dirk Helmrich and Torsten W. Kuhlen and Bernd Hentschel}, title = {{F}ormal {E}valuation {S}trategies for {F}eature {T}racking}, booktitle = Proc # { the } # LDAV, year = {2016}, pages = {103--104}, abstract = { We present an approach for tracking space-filling features based on a two-step algorithm utilizing two graph optimization techniques. First, one-to-one assignments between successive time steps are found by a matching on a weighted, bi-partite graph. Second, events are detected by computing an independent set on potential event explanations. The main objective of this work is investigating options for formal evaluation of complex feature tracking algorithms in the absence of ground truth data.
}, doi = { 10.1109/LDAV.2016.7874339}}

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