Choose Your Reference Frame Right: An Immersive Authoring Technique for Creating Reactive Behavior

Immersive authoring enables content creation for virtual environments without a break of immersion. To enable immersive authoring of reactive behavior for a broad audience, we present modulation mapping, a simplified visual programming technique. To evaluate the applicability of our technique, we investigate the role of reference frames in which the programming elements are positioned, as this can affect the user experience. Thus, we developed two interface layouts: "surround-referenced" and "object-referenced". The former positions the programming elements relative to the physical tracking space, and the latter relative to the virtual scene objects. We compared the layouts in an empirical user study (n = 34) and found the surround-referenced layout faster, lower in task load, less cluttered, easier to learn and use, and preferred by users. Qualitative feedback, however, revealed the object-referenced layout as more intuitive, engaging, and valuable for visual debugging. Based on the results, we propose initial design implications for immersive authoring of reactive behavior by visual programming. Overall, modulation mapping was found to be an effective means for creating reactive behavior by the participants.
Honorable Mention for Best Paper!@inproceedings{eroglu2024choose,
title={Choose Your Reference Frame Right: An Immersive Authoring Technique for Creating Reactive Behavior},
author={Eroglu, Sevinc and Schmitz, Patric and Sinke, Kilian and Anders, David and Kuhlen, Torsten Wolfgang and Weyers, Benjamin},
booktitle={30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology},