
Virtual Reality Lab


SS 2016





PT 4 (SWS) or 7 ECTS credits


freitag@vr.rwth-aachen.de; zielasko@vr.rwth-aachen.de
Note: This page is for a course from a previous semester.
Find a list of current courses on the Teaching page.
Course Dates:




Wednesday (weekly) 02.15 - 05.45 PM, starts on 13.04.2016 VR Lab, Kopernikusstraße 6, Extension Building IT Center

The goal of the practical is to introduce you to working with VR hardware and solving classical VR interaction problems.
The goal of the practical is to create a VR-based architectural viewer application. This will be accomplished by all students working together, divided into specialized teams of two, each tackling a specific part of the viewer. The application should enable to load and explore different architectural models within an immersive VR system. As starting point, there is a simple application with basic functionalities regarding loading, navigation, and rendering. During the lab you join a team that enriches one of the named modalities or adds collaboration, selection & manipulation or annotation to the feature set. To solve the task, you will have access to a multitude of VR hardware. Additionally, we will supply you with a software framework that serves as a base for your implementation.
The target platform for your techniques is the fully immersive aixCAVE VR system.




  • Completed Vordiplom or Bachelor's degree
  • Participation in the lecture Virtual Reality
  • Advanced knowledge of C++ and object-oriented programming
  • Knowledge of the lectures Introduction to Computer Graphics and Designing Interactive Systems (or comparable) is beneficial.


  • VR-specific devices (CAVE, PIcasso Workstation, Tracker) will be handled using the VR-ToolKit ViSTA.
  • For the development, Windows workstations (MS Visual Studio 2013) will be available during the practical.
  • The programming language is C++ in combination with OpenGL.
  • You should have access to a Windows or Linux PC to work on your project outside of the lab times.


  • D. Bowman, E. Kruijff, J. LaViola, I. Poupyrev: 3D User Interfaces: Theory And Practice, Addison-Wesley, 2004
  • J.D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes: Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice, Addison Wesley, 1991
  • E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides: Design Patterns, Addison-Wesley, 1995

We have 8 free lab places.

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